We are taking preventative actions to help protect our human resources against the COVID-19 virus.
As the global pandemic is on the rise, it is our social responsibility to fight alongside the government and health workers to bring the situation under control.
Although Airmaster is completely operational at present to take new orders and serve customers, we are very serious about the health and well-being of our employees.
The following steps have been taken to ensure the safety of our colleagues;
We have provided extra work tables and added new assembly lines to spread our work force across the factory in order to limit contact.
Employees above 60 years of age have been advised to work from home and come to office only whenever required.
Entry into the office and factory premises by outside visitors (drivers, suppliers and other visitors) has been restricted to only those who wear face mask and hand gloves.
We have provided non-contact type thermometers to all our production facilities across UAE to check the body temperature of our employees as they walk into factory in the morning.
Hand sanitizers and dispensers have been provided at different locations both in the factory and labor accommodation.
A special team has been set up to clean frequently touched areas such as door knobs, railings etc on daily basis.
Face masks have been provided and encouraged to wear at all times in combination with practice of social distancing.
We hope this pandemic comes to a complete stop at the earliest. We urge all of you to respect and adhere to restrictions placed by the authorities and to be mindful of each other, especially the elderly amongst us.